Bridge Base Online

Here you can find information about our club's virtual tournaments played on BBO.

General BBO Information

Aby uczestniczyc w klubowym turnieju wirtualnym nalezy sie zarejestrowac i zalogowac do BBO

Nalezy wykupic BBO $, sugerujemy wykupienie $10, powinno wystarczyc na 4 turnieje (oplata za jeden turniej $2.5 ) BBO $

Video guide for new BBO users Video Guide

Nasze turnieje sa dostepne tylko dla czlonkow klubu wyszczegolnionych w ponizszej tabeli.
Jezeli Twoje BBO Id nie jest na liscie, wyslij email do klubu podajac imie, nazwisko i BBO ID: Polish Club Email

How to register and play in the club tournaments

Video guide for new tournament players Video Guide

Two hours before the tournament, register for it at BBO, schedule of the tournaments is posted here: Scores - Current Season

Our tournaments are under the id: PolVanClub, search for it in the list of all tournaments. View More

Be sure to be online at the minimum 10 min before the start of the tournament, otherwise you may not be able to play and you may loose the entry fee.

At the time of the start of the tournament, you will be moved automatically to the virtual table and you can start playing.

The tournament will be played in rounds with a certain amount of boards and a limited time per a round. At the top left corner of the page the information which round is being played and how much time is left will be displayed. To be on time, I suggest to chat with the players at the table only after you finish your boards per round and have some time left. If you don't finish your games on time, the system will apply average score.

In case of any problem click on the "Tournament Director" button for help and someone will try to help you. In dire straits call Prezes.

WARNING! The tournaments are monitored by BBO's technical directors, cheating may result in suspension not only from the club tournaments but also from BBO.

Check the history button for the results of every round; at the end of the torunament a report will be shown. You can always check the results later in the history section.

BBO ID's of members of our club.

Member's Name BBO ID
Michał Aibin maibin
Grzegorz Barszcz Grzegorz2
Krystyna Bohdanowicz krysboh
Andrzej Dudek old_dudi
Basia Dudek BasiaSD
Dorota Grala dorota01
Henryk Grala heniek02
Krzysztof Iniewski iniewski
Tomek Jaholkowski TJ65
Kasia Jakubowska kachna11
Barbara Jedrzejewska Bajerancja
Waldek Jez waldek jez
Zdzislaw Karpierz Zdk44
Grzegorz Kaznowski grzesiek
Jan Konieczny Jankon99
Barbara Kulig skarlet 77
Stelian Kulig stelik
Jan Laczny Winter5010
Olek Lemanowicz AleksL
Ewa Lemanowicz Espresseva
Jurek Mazur jerzym
Scott Metzler metzler
Ania Ochnio Ania2353
Janek Ochnio joch52
Jurek Pajak Jurekpaj
Krystyna Pajak Krysiapaj
Krysia Piotrowska Krysia777
Wlodek Polanica WPolanica
Benek Popiela Ben52
Bozenka Rozworska bozena23
Waldek Rozworski waldek26
Malgorzata Rusinek Lavender_
Agata Rybarczyk ag123
Matylda Sinicki Pikapikapi
Arkadiusz Sitek Piczek
Tadeusz Smaruj Longinus
Bozena Stankiewicz Bona59
Robert Stankiewicz Ro1956
Dana Stoklosa happydana
Jurek Trzesicki Jerzyna
Ryszard Wojtowicz rychow
Ewa Wroblewicz Ewa333